by | Jul 7, 2020
3 3 The best promise for your body “in 4 weeks, with zero effort, lose 5 kilos”. A dietary supplement that, with the pharmacist’s support, helps us to have a healthier life. We stand out in the pharmacy with a display, product dispenser and all the pieces... by | Jul 7, 2020
3 3 Our consumption habits demand healthy and easy-to-make products. Our work consisted of creating a corporate image that transmitted these values through dynamic branding based on the presence of Alifarma in different food sectors (bakery, health, dairy,... by | Jul 7, 2020
3 3 Good branding and take off! On-line and in-class training requires good teaching material. We therefore developed a corporate image that goes from the logo to the development of the website and the required technical material to convert it into a school... by | Jul 7, 2020
3 3 Italian wines with the essence of the Renaissance. Cultivated in the purest state, biodynamic, organic, ecological and in complete harmony with Nature. We produced the presentation material for the Loacker brand of wines, taking the utmost care regarding... by | Jul 7, 2020
3 3 Tourism of emotions with the historical re-enactment of gladiator fights in the arena of the Roman amphitheatre. For the show to be successful, we have to communicate well, and in the key places. Tourists and citizens must know where and when. Carrying...
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